In the history of the life of the entity that inhabits the region of Darfur can be traced to the emergence of symptoms that there is potential
for conflict at some time in
this region. It
can be viewed from the contact
between the two ethnicities
that often lead to a small conflict in the Darfur region. Initially, Darfur is
a region in the
west of Sudan. British colonial
and then include it as part of the Sudanese
state of Darfur after
combining with Egypt. With the merging process,
the inter-ethnic conflict was widespread due to
the inability to accommodate differences
in the interests
of each ethnicity by the Sudanese
Darfur is derived from an Arabic word meaning Land of Fur. At first,
the area is inhabited by ethnic African
ethnicities Darfur Darfur (Native Peoples)
since 1650 with
Islamic sultanate form of government. The arrival of Darfur Arabs as immigrants who previously was a nomad tribes
created the entities that inhabit the diversity in the Darfur region. However, changes in the pattern of the new environment with the influx of ethnic
immigrants became small initial conflict
is continuous and dynamic.
Conflicts between ethnic Arab and ethnic African
Darfur Darfur often
questioned the access to natural resources for subsistence use of
each such water
access and land ownership.
Employment systems and culture differences
between the two ethnic groups can be used as a reason for the appearance of a conflict of interest
of the natural resources. Darfur Arab nomad
ethnic culture often
are applied when claiming water access community resources
Darfur Africa. However,
inter-ethnic conflict Darfur always be resolved through peaceful means such
as a traditional meeting that forms
joint regulation between the two sides,
[1] and both will return to improve relations through an approach that accommodates the head of each tribe.
In the development of the conflict
between the two ethnic upheaval
with greater intensity.
International attention also taken up by the various
phenomena of violence in a conflict that began with the small-scale
conflicts. The Darfur conflict began when the Sudanese government has a mandate to manage the Darfur region as one of the parts of government.
Discrimination problems arise in the Sudan where
the Sudanese government bureaucracy
prioritize Darfur Arabs to take center
stage in the politics of Sudan
and discredit native
people, Africa Darfur.
This triggers the African peoples of Darfur disappointment
because they are deprived
of their rights by the Sudanese
government and Darfur Arab tribes. Especially when the construction of the Darfur region are ignored by the government.
Disappointment Darfur African communities implemented in the form
of separatist movements as increasingly threatened by the Sudanese government's unilateral policy.
Darfur separatist groups fighting to voice the interests and rights of indigenous
peoples, marginalized Darfur by the Sudanese government. Conflicts occur between separatists
and the government in the specification
wars and genocide.
Starting from a small inter-ethnic
conflict, the Darfur conflict experienced expansive movement
since the foreign intervention in the Darfur region. Beginning
in 1916 when Darfur
was under the control of the British government that includes all three
Darfur sultanate administration
entered into kondonimum British-Egyptian rule.
Darfur under British
control led to inequality
in various fields such as welfare and socio-economic
development. This further heightened when Darfur
is part of Sudan's government in
1965. The discrimination experienced
by ethnic African Darfur by the Sudanese
government's stance that puts the
ethnic Arabs of Darfur in the governance of
the country. The marginalization
of ethnic African Darfur cause disappointment
which incidentally is a native from the sultanate
of Darfur stands.
Accumulated disappointments Darfur African ethnicity and discrimination against
pemarjinalisasian pattern manifested through rebellion separatist movement.
Separatist movements calling himself Darfur Darfur Liberation Front (DLF) since its formation in 2003. They attacked military posts in West Darfur and destroy public infrastructure. Given two weeks later they changed their name to the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and again attacked, killing 195 West Darfur by Sudanese military. April 25, 2003 SLM rebel group attacked the Sudanese air base in Al-Fashir daaerah and destroyed a number of government helicopters, Antonov bombers, occupying military headquarters and arrested Maj Bughara Ibrahim, head of the Sudanese Air Force. Strength increases with the merger SLM new rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), which attacked the Sudanese government installations.
Separatist movements calling himself Darfur Darfur Liberation Front (DLF) since its formation in 2003. They attacked military posts in West Darfur and destroy public infrastructure. Given two weeks later they changed their name to the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and again attacked, killing 195 West Darfur by Sudanese military. April 25, 2003 SLM rebel group attacked the Sudanese air base in Al-Fashir daaerah and destroyed a number of government helicopters, Antonov bombers, occupying military headquarters and arrested Maj Bughara Ibrahim, head of the Sudanese Air Force. Strength increases with the merger SLM new rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), which attacked the Sudanese government installations.
The separatist movement challenged the oppressive Sudanese government. To
minimize the possibility of chaos due to the actions rebel group, the Sudanese government of arming the Darfur Arab
militias known as Janjaweed
to face the pressure
of the separatist movement and
security purposes Darfur region.
In his capacity as a military government with the aim of securing and maintaining
space defense government
areas of Darfur, the Janjaweed
acting out of control. In fact it was revealed
that the Janjaweed militia ethnic cleansing crimes recorded tragedy.
Military murder against
ethnic African Darfur, raping women and torturing
small children and burning villages of
ethnic Arabs of Darfur.
Various treatment Janjaweed militia arm of government that is intended to
reduce the population of Darfur as an African ethnic separatists
growth minimizing effort. Unpleasant treatment experienced by women who
were raped by the Janjaweed militants, calling them the nickname 'Abied' which means slave. And even the government
has also declared the Darfur region of Darfur
just for the
Arabs to conduct the expulsion of ethnic African civilians of
In the records of the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the number of victims who died during the conflict (February 2003-September 2004) has reached 50,000. And
that number increased to 71,000 people in October
2004 [2]. The UN also estimates that during
the 18 months of the conflict, the death toll has reached 180,000 and
more than 1.8 million
people homeless [3]. Meanwhile, the level of conflict has resulted in many refugees and asylum seekers who migrate to
neighboring countries such as Chad
Post-World War II ended, there was
significant reason for the changing patterns of
social interaction and contact
relations ethics in
the distribution and relevance of its existence in the world. It is influenced by factors such as the expiration
of the period of colonization, the
spread of the world economy, increasing
the growing concern for the refugees and human
rights. The end of colonialism to give
effect to the development of the
lives of African entities.
One of them relates to economic competition and
power struggles between ethnic groups there.
The Darfur conflict is called by international entities
can be categorized as a crime against humanity is a phenomenon that has been overshadowed by the clash of two different
ethnicities as a legacy of colonization. The clash
of birth due to an inability
to accommodate differences that characterize each ethnic sufficient interest in
his life. Differences in living systems and culture
among the local population and migrants,
ethnic African and
Arab Darfur Darfur, as well as a trigger foreign
intervention in a major
escalation of conflict.
Broadly speaking, tracing the background of the
problems and conflicts that are
expansive, accommodating the Darfur conflict is the
clash of social points that show the characteristics of inter-ethnic relations. Starting from problems related to the welfare and interests
of the background distribution of system life
and culture between the two
ethnicities. Until the climax of the
problems that create the symptoms
in the form of humanitarian crime of genocide. Phenomena
such as the form of
assimilation, discrimination, third
world colonialism, racism ethnics minorities to
be highly relevant to the development of the case of the Darfur conflict.
By definition of assimilation is a process of fusion
between different ethnic culture in which ethnic
groups would lose certain cultural and ethnic
identity and merged by other groups. The process of assimilation is more a
feature of the immigration
patterns. But the Darfur conflict
showed a tendency characteristic failure of the process of assimilation in it. It
refers to the phenomenon that the arrival of the
environment to the ethnic Arabs
of Darfur Darfur African
entities conflicting interests related to access
to natural resources is based on
the differences in employment
systems and culture. The majority of Africa Darfur
livelihood as farmers who prioritize the security of access to water on their farms of the dry climate.
While working as
Darfur Arab camel
and cattle herders
who demand the availability of water for their cattle.
The differences are demanding they do things that are
not cooperative so it tends to
maximize the cultural background of the characteristics of each of their lives
without any desire to merge into a collective
Third world colonialism argument is a reference
to the definition of independent
nations that colonized the native
people and minorities
in its territory as part of economic development, geographic expansion and the development of a nationalistic sentiment. Widespread high
escalation of conflict in the Darfur genocide
to the public
welfare due to inequality,
especially Africa Darfur Darfur after the territory
became a part of the
Sudanese government. Especially when
the Arabs of Darfur dominated the government. The phenomenon
of colonization is
more nationalistic sentiment
refers to the construction of national identity which shows the interest that
generalize a particular
interest group. By dominating ethnic Arabs of Darfur in the government sector automatically as a native of the African Darfur
increasingly marginalized and
disadvantaged people. Welfare
development is not properly
The patterns of ethnic relations after World War II, according to the capacity to experience the complexity of problems faced by ethnic group. One is the phenomenon of claiming rights and equal
treatment of minorities to the
government. It also takes place
in the Darfur conflict in which African ethnic diminoritaskan Darfur and
marginalized by a system of government that does not favor their existence as
native peoples. Ethnic
minorities demanding their equal rights in
the region to maintain
their culture. In
the process of achieving this, they
are using force / coercion as a form of
resistance against the accumulation of
their dissatisfaction with the
Racism, in general understood as the belief that there is one race is
superior and has the advantages
of other races. Scope
of racism is not limited to the identification of a variety of skin color. Ethnicity, religion and race, body shape, the shape of the facial bones, and hair
types can be used as an excuse
racist form of treatment.
The Darfur conflict is also based on the spirit of racism. Indeed, there is no noticeable
difference between the two ethnic
African and Arab Darfur
Darfur. They have the same style and color,
black. However, the position of their ethnic differences as a reason for the majority
(Arabic Darfur) to
act arbitrarily (SARA). This was seen when the Arab Darfur dominated governance.
In some crimes against humanity by the military actions of the Janjaweed, they treat ethnic African Darfur
with very racial.
Expel Darfur African
community and declared that
Darfur is only for Arabs. Classification of racism experienced by African
ethnic Darfur is Institutional Racism where
racism was driven by government policies and organizations and
institutions in the country.
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